About the Journal

The Nebraska Journal on Advancing Justice is a peer-reviewed law journal that aims to provide a forum for robust scholarly engagement from academics, researchers, judges, and lawyers on issues of advancing justice for all in American society. The Journal is committed to promoting intellectual discourse and critical analysis of legal and policy issues that may disproportionately impact people and groups in Nebraska and nationally.

The Nebraska Journal on Advancing Justice is an online, open-access journal. 

Contact Us


Danielle Jefferis
Faculty Editor-in-Chief

Stefanie Pearlman
Faculty Editor

Brooklyn Terrill 
Student Editor-in-Chief 
njaj.editor@unl.edu; njaj.submissions@unl.edu 

Mailing Address

University of Nebraska College of Law
Attn: Nebraska Journal on Advancing Justice
1875 N. 42nd Street
Lincoln, NE 68583